Lead Pastor

Sugar Grove Church of God is a warm and inviting church in rural Churubusco, Indiana, established in 1865. Sugar Grove’s long-tenured pastor, Tim Grable, retired after 26 years of faithful service. Under Tim, the church experienced tremendous numerical growth through his prayers for the community, winsome personality, and consistent Bible teaching. The church also has a dedicated team of staff/volunteers who have made Sugar Grove a safe place to hear the Gospel. Sugar Grove is an intergenerational church that works hard to reach all generations with relevant ministries in the surrounding community.  Churubusco is a small town in Northeast Indiana within a few miles of Fort Wayne, IN.

We are prayerfully seeking a Spirit-led pastor, a fully devoted follower of Christ, who will inspire our congregation to reach our community for Christ. The ideal candidate must be authentic, relational, and teach God’s Word with clarity and conviction. We desire a pastor/teacher who understands rural and small-town ministry and can relate well to all generations.

Submit your resume to: search@sugargrovecog.com

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