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When someone embraces Jesus as their Savior, He takes away their sin and cleanses them within. That person is no longer the same. They may look the same and sound the same, but something new is happening inside. God is recreating them – He is beginning to make them more like Himself. He is putting to death that part of us that desires to do wrong and is bringing to life the part of us that was truly created in His image. The symbolism of the death and resurrection to this new life is seen best in the act of baptism. A person is immersed in the water, a visual reminder that their old self, with its desire to live in sin and rebellion to God, is put to death and buried. Then, as they come up out of the water, it is a vivid picture of their new birth as a child of God. But that is not the only thing symbolized by this act. Whenever a believer is baptized, it is a reminder of the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus. The last thing Jesus said to His followers before leaving this earth was to “go and baptize.” That is why at Sugar Grove, baptism is not an after thought or just “something we do.” It is a celebration for the whole church to join in as a believer makes his or her public confession of their faith in Jesus Christ. If you are interested in being baptized, contact the church office by phone or by using the contact information on our contact page.